Monday, November 30, 2015

update 11/30/2015

My 3D model is nearing completion but for right now it will stay as it is.

for the next couple of updates i will be showing the floor plans for each building .

Monday, November 23, 2015

Update 11/23/2015

This is a section of the final massing of the buildings from now on i will be working on the interior of  the building. 

you can see that we connected the first building to the Highline we used a wedge shape for the bridge so that it was more inviting to the public our target audience is everyone so we didn't want to make the extension to the Highline to feel limiting .

Monday, November 16, 2015

Update 11/16/2015

I layed out a diagram of what programs are in which building .That's all this is 
i also finished most of the massing for the building and i am ready to continue into more detail.

Monday, November 9, 2015


This is a massing model that i made in rhino , this what i will use as the base for my design i will be updating this model daily until it becomes my final model .

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Assignment 13 : space layout

here is a very diagrammatic layout of spaces with the model underlay so that we can get an idea of where spaces and program will interact .
as seen before my model for the site includes 3 separate buildings that are connected by bridges with a courtyard in the middle.