Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Assignment 10 -Concept Development

We were required to make Collages to help with the design of our project 
1. One for your impression of the site you have selected (not images of the site)
2. One of the words: Alive/Active, Adventurous, Inventive, Elegant, Hidden
3. One Collage based on the program of your project.

below are the collages 
For my first collage i was supposed to make an reflection of the impression the site gave me 
i used Red,Yellow, and orange to represent the heat i felt when we were on the site and the gray tones resembled the urban aspect of the surrounding area . I added a layered affect because with the Highline in the area it made me feel like the area was layered with people walking on , above and below the street .

For the Second collage i had to choose from one of the words listed above the word i chose was hidden . the reason i picked this word was because of the way the site felt we had to walk through the city and its constant chaos to get to the site but once we had gotten to the site it was like finding a diamond in the rough .

For my third collage i had to show elements of the program of my site which include an Arcade,food court,Archery tag,paintball and a movie theater.

please keep in mind that all of the collages had to be Abstract. thank you 


  1. I can feel the heat from your sketch .... I think this dictates the most important aspect of your design....

    You should focus on bringing more green into this project ,not a manicured garden but a natural green space to give feeling of rest and hope. A centre for recharging the soule.

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  3. thank you for the advice and i definitely agree with you about the natural green space i think an aspect like that can really help me move my project in the right direction
