Thursday, October 15, 2015

Assignment 11

For our next assignment was to make abstract models from the collages we made in the previous assignment

For the first collage i made these 3 models the first one starting on your left is meant to show the layers of the collage and the color added is to express the bright colors in the collage which represents heat.
the second model is made to do the same thing express the layers and the variety of the colors i chose to use straws for this model to show the fluidity of the collage.
for the last model i stacked the chip board to play with the layer effect .

for the second collage i had to make models that involved the word hidden the first model resembles a veil and i thought that it hiding something that cant be seen played with the hidden aspects in 2 ways , as for the second model i went something a little more disorienting so i curved the screen to hide a little piece of straw which can be seen at the middle of the vortex.
as for the third model i went all the way into a layered piece that could hide something as well as be disorienting it also messed with the stacking aspect in the collage itself.

 For the 3rd collage i decided to get really colorful with the models to represent the chaotic aspect of the collage 
the first model i made tried to play with the dynamic aspect of the collage by using different planes to convey 3 dimensions , 
for the second model i wanted to do the same thing but i thought in the first model the planes were connected directly together and in the second model i wanted for the planes to be connected but not directly . 
for the 3rd model i tried to advance that idea and then change the shapes of the planes and then reenacting what was going on in the collage .


  1. I really like the interpretation of ideas into tangible model.

    I would suggest you to do the same exercise with volumetric solids and see for additive and subtractive transformation, I think it will help you in getting the massing of the built and to check the ratio of built to unbuilt and from covered to semi covered to open

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  3. I would like to see the photographs of these model more at eye level - the images here make the models look flat without much massing. Could you take better photos of these? Closer and at eye level.
