Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Assignment 1 commerce

Bright red- lounges/bars
Dark red- hotels

Here is the link to our Site Analysis http://arch3610fall2015assignment1.blogspot.com/


  1. Angel,
    the site analysis is to be a group presentation.
    Each group will create another blog with all the information, and than link it to your own blog

  2. Hi Angel,

    I hope you have received a message from Lia. I am designated to be a online reviewer for you. Will it be possible for you to share the group presentation.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. HI Angel, I'm Maria Pijem one of your assigned reviewers. I have the same question as Sulabh, where can I see the entire group presentation ?

  5. HI Angel, this image/presentation doesn't really give me all that much information. I see you are mapping lounges/bars, restaurants and hotels. Other than locations I don't see an analysis. what did you learn about this research ? What were you trying to find out with this analysis: proximity, quantity, relationship, what was the focus of this study ?

    Also a few notes regarding the presentation:
    - if you are looking into three types of spaces use three different colors. Red and dark red rad pretty much the same.
    - All locations are marked with just a dot, think about also addressing the importance or relevance of said location. For example: maybe the bar/lounges which attract more people should have larger dots. Or maybe there is a noticeably different in the size and some are prominent than others… another think to think about: do all hotels have a longe/bar , if so, then perhaps you should have a green and red making on each locale?
    - The presentation should speak for itself, the legend should be part of the image, and instead of spelling out the color. use the a sample of the color that matches the one in the presentation. it reads better.
