Monday, September 21, 2015

Assignment 4


  1. Hello Angel

    The slides look good but In my opinion they are incomplete, as you have not researched about the context and surrounding of these projects, you should look for the ideas which the architect might have focused to developed these centres for entertainment.

    you have not focused on the placement of the built with respect to the site in the projects you have studied, it is very important to observe the site and the placement of the structure.

    Also in an amusement centre the focus should be on multiple use of every cubic meter of the allowed volume in a manner to create something different and creative.

    so I hope you would take these hints to develop a more comprehensive study.

  2. Dear Angel,

    Kindly follow up on my comments from your previous assignments. I agree with tanveer, as site context is as well important to understand the elements which went in for making of the project. Though it might be difficult to get exact details yet self analysis will help you develop on your ideas.


  3. HI Angel,

    Can you please let us know you are getting our comments ? I haven't seen a response or acknowledgment of reading the comments.

  4. I'm sorry i have received your comments and i am working on improvements

  5. I'm sorry i have received your comments and i am working on improvements
