Monday, September 28, 2015

Assignment 6 : Program Diagrams


  1. Hello angel

    I hope you did study about the the site and placement of the blocks,

    In this assignment I am not able to understand the final result you are looking for , as these slides are not presenting a comparison in quantity or quality of spaces, for a proper assessment, I think the thing which can help is if you write a brief explanation of your ideas behind these diagrams. And the final derivatives which you are going to use in Ur design.

    And it would be great if you could reply to the comments if they are of any help else this arrangement is of no use, this should not be a one sided attempt, I am here to learn from you and to tell you about my mistakes.

  2. Angel please try and reply your on-line reviewers either by completing the assignments,or by verbally explaining your work. Some acknowledgement of their input will be greatly appreciated

  3. Hey Angel!

    I am sure, its your learning stage and you are doing everything to gain something from this education. What I would like to lay emphasis on is your basic, presentation technique. The ideas which you are trying to convey by these studies are not of use, unless you write something about them and present your view point. Surely, you have have everything going at the back of your mind but its best you write it out. Also I suggest you look at work of students as well and as well discuss. If you want a detail critique on your work uptill now, do let me know.
