Monday, December 21, 2015

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

3D Model

This is a 3D massing model with the Highline just to show relation  


This is a full section of all three buildings its sort of a weird view where we are cutting halfway between each building.
it could use more work and it will be edited for the future .


South Elevation 

West Elevation 

East Elevation

North Elevation 

Floor plans

Ground Floor Plan 

Second floor plan

Third Floor Plan 

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

ground floor for all three buildings together

The plans still need some work i just wanted to post to give an update on what I've been working on 

Monday, December 7, 2015


Ok so today Professor Lia and i discussed my floor plans and we made a couple of changes

these are the floor plans for the three buildings on the site i will continue to post updates on them until they are complete .
we changed the core elements in building one (on the left) as well as extending it 

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

12/2/15 update

here is the start to my floor plans for the movie theater located in the largest of the three buildings, you can see that i plan to have 6 movie theaters 2 on each floor i will continue to post the work i complete over the weekend.

Monday, November 30, 2015

update 11/30/2015

My 3D model is nearing completion but for right now it will stay as it is.

for the next couple of updates i will be showing the floor plans for each building .

Monday, November 23, 2015

Update 11/23/2015

This is a section of the final massing of the buildings from now on i will be working on the interior of  the building. 

you can see that we connected the first building to the Highline we used a wedge shape for the bridge so that it was more inviting to the public our target audience is everyone so we didn't want to make the extension to the Highline to feel limiting .

Monday, November 16, 2015

Update 11/16/2015

I layed out a diagram of what programs are in which building .That's all this is 
i also finished most of the massing for the building and i am ready to continue into more detail.

Monday, November 9, 2015


This is a massing model that i made in rhino , this what i will use as the base for my design i will be updating this model daily until it becomes my final model .

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Assignment 13 : space layout

here is a very diagrammatic layout of spaces with the model underlay so that we can get an idea of where spaces and program will interact .
as seen before my model for the site includes 3 separate buildings that are connected by bridges with a courtyard in the middle. 

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Combined study Models

For the next assignment we had to pick two of the study models for the collages  and combine them into one .

the 2 i chose were the 2nd model from the first collage and the 2nd model from the 3rd collage.

i combined the two to create another model 

what i tried to do was combine the flow and material of the first model with the separation of planes as well as the bridges connecting the individual planes 

here are some more pictures of the model

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Assignment 11

For our next assignment was to make abstract models from the collages we made in the previous assignment

For the first collage i made these 3 models the first one starting on your left is meant to show the layers of the collage and the color added is to express the bright colors in the collage which represents heat.
the second model is made to do the same thing express the layers and the variety of the colors i chose to use straws for this model to show the fluidity of the collage.
for the last model i stacked the chip board to play with the layer effect .

for the second collage i had to make models that involved the word hidden the first model resembles a veil and i thought that it hiding something that cant be seen played with the hidden aspects in 2 ways , as for the second model i went something a little more disorienting so i curved the screen to hide a little piece of straw which can be seen at the middle of the vortex.
as for the third model i went all the way into a layered piece that could hide something as well as be disorienting it also messed with the stacking aspect in the collage itself.

 For the 3rd collage i decided to get really colorful with the models to represent the chaotic aspect of the collage 
the first model i made tried to play with the dynamic aspect of the collage by using different planes to convey 3 dimensions , 
for the second model i wanted to do the same thing but i thought in the first model the planes were connected directly together and in the second model i wanted for the planes to be connected but not directly . 
for the 3rd model i tried to advance that idea and then change the shapes of the planes and then reenacting what was going on in the collage .

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Assignment 10 -Concept Development

We were required to make Collages to help with the design of our project 
1. One for your impression of the site you have selected (not images of the site)
2. One of the words: Alive/Active, Adventurous, Inventive, Elegant, Hidden
3. One Collage based on the program of your project.

below are the collages 
For my first collage i was supposed to make an reflection of the impression the site gave me 
i used Red,Yellow, and orange to represent the heat i felt when we were on the site and the gray tones resembled the urban aspect of the surrounding area . I added a layered affect because with the Highline in the area it made me feel like the area was layered with people walking on , above and below the street .

For the Second collage i had to choose from one of the words listed above the word i chose was hidden . the reason i picked this word was because of the way the site felt we had to walk through the city and its constant chaos to get to the site but once we had gotten to the site it was like finding a diamond in the rough .

For my third collage i had to show elements of the program of my site which include an Arcade,food court,Archery tag,paintball and a movie theater.

please keep in mind that all of the collages had to be Abstract. thank you 

Monday, October 5, 2015

Example Spaces

Here are some example spaces for my project . I will be using some of the examples to help layout some of my spaces.
this is an example of a food court that i got from a book called Neufert E&P- Architects Data 3rd ED 

Above are a couple of examples for a movie theater and the size of the screen.

above are some of the arcade machines that might be present inside the arcade 

above is an example floor plan for the arcade .

Above is an example of the bathroom layouts i might be using .

Above are some examples of of shop layouts that i may use for my gift shops 

the books that i used to get this information were 
Time Saver Building Types ,
Neufert E & P - Architects 'data 3rd Edition

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Assignment 7 : List of Spaces, Matrix, Bubble Diagram

This is a list of spaces for my program as well as a adjacency matrix and bubble diagram

List of Space

1.Entry space
3.Gift Shop
6.Movie Theater
7.Paint ball area
8.Food court
11.Archery tag

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Assignment 3

I am still working on the Sega Republic diagrams but with the building exterior being a box in a mall it is hard to find floor plans and exterior shots of the facility.